Monday, December 11, 2006

From Sumeria to Turkey: History of Middle East and North Africa


  • Sumerian Rulers
Early Dynastic I
Ante-diluvian kings, legendary, or earlier than ca. the 26th century BC. Their rules are measured in sars - periods of 3600 years - the next unit up after 60 in Sumerian counting (3600 = 60x60), and in ners - units of 600.
• Alulim of Eridu(g): 8 sars (28800 years)
• Alalgar of Eridug: 10 sars (36000 years)
• En-Men-Lu-Ana of Bad-Tibira: 12 sars (43200 years)
• En-Men-Ana 1, 2
• En-Men-Gal-Ana of Bad-Tibira: 8 sars (28800 years)
• Dumuzi of Bad-Tibira, the shepherd: 10 sars (36000 years)
• En-Sipad-Zid-Ana of Larag: 8 sars (28800 years)
• En-Men-Dur-Ana of Zimbir: 5 sars and 5 ners (21000 years)
• Ubara-Tutu of Shuruppag: 5 sars and 1 ner (18600 years)
• Zin-Suddu 1

Early Dynastic II
26th century BC. Many rulers known from contemporary inscriptions are not found in the King Lists.
• Jushur of Kish: 1200 years
• Kullassina-bel of Kish: 960 years
• Nangishlishma of Kish: 670 years
• En-Tarah-Ana of Kish: 420 years
• Babum of Kish: 300 years
• Puannum of Kish: 840 years
• Kalibum of Kish: 960 years
• Kalumum of Kish: 840 years
• Zuqaqip of Kish: 900 years
• Atab of Kish: 600 years
• Mashda of Kish: 840 years
• Arwium of Kish: 720 years
• Etana of Kish, the shepherd, who ascended to heaven and consolidated all the foreign countries: 1500 years
• Balih of Kish: 400 years
• En-Me-Nuna of Kish: 660 years
• Melem-Kish of Kish: 900 years
• Barsal-Nuna of Kish: 1200 years
• Zamug of Kish: 140 years
• Tizqar of Kish: 305 years
• Ilku of Kish: 900 years
• Iltasadum of Kish: 1200 years
• En-Men-Barage-Si of Kish, who conquered Elam: 900 years (this is the earliest ruler in the list who is confirmed independently from epigraphical evidence)
• Aga of Kish: 625 years
Then Kish was defeated and the kingship was taken to E-ana.

First Dynasty of Uruk
• Mesh-ki-ang-gasher of E-ana, son of Utu: 324 years.
Mesh-ki-ang-gasher went into the Sea and disappeared.
• Enmerkar, who built Unug: 420 years
• Lugalbanda of Unug, the shepherd: 1200 years
• Dumuzid of Unug, the fisherman: 100 years. Captured En-Me-Barage-Si of Kish.
• Gilgamesh, whose father was a "phantom", lord of Kulaba: 126 years.
• Ur-Nungal of Unug: 30 years
• Udul-Kalama of Unug: 15 years
• La-Ba'shum of Unug: 9 years
• En-Nun-Tarah-Ana of Unug: 8 years
• Mesh-He of Unug: 36 years
• Melem-Ana of Unug: 6 years
• Lugal-Kitun of Unug: 36 years
Then Uruk was defeated and the kingship was taken to Urim.

First dynasty of Ur

ca. 25th century BC
• Mesh-Ane-Pada of Urim: 80 years
• Mesh-Ki-Ang-Nanna of Urim: 36 years
• Elulu of Urim: 25 years
• Balulu of Urim: 36 years
Then Urim was defeated and the kingship was taken to Awan.
• Three kings of Awan, ruling for a total of 356 years
• Peli (ca. 2450 BC)
• Taar, Tari or Tata
• Ukku-tahish
• Hishur
• Shushun-tarana
• Napil-hush,
• Kiku-siwe-temti
• Luh-ishan
• Hishep-ratep
• Eshpum (?)
• Ilishmani (?)
• Epirmupi (?)
• Helu (ca. 2300-2280 BC)
• Hita (ca. 2280-2250 BC)
• (Akkadian dominion)
• (Shimpishuk)
• Kutik-Inshushinak (ca. 2240-2220 BC)
• (neo-Sumerian dominion)

Second Dynasty Kish
• Susuda of Kish: 201 years
• Dadasig of Kish: 81 years
• Mamagal of Kish, the boatman: 360 years
• Kalbum of Kish: 195 years
• Tuge of Kish: 360 years
• Men-Nuna of Kish: 180 years
• ? of Kish: 290 years
• Lugalngu of Kish: 360 years
Then Kish was defeated and the kingship was taken to Hamazi.
• Hadanish of Hamazi: 360 years
Then Hamazi was defeated and the kingship was taken to Unug.
Second Dynasty of Uruk
• En-Shakansha-Ana of Unug: 60 years
• Lugal-Ure (or Lugal-Kinishe-Dudu) of Unug: 120 years
• Argandea of Unug: 7 years
Then Unug was defeated and the kingship was taken to Urim.
Second Dynasty of Ur
• Nani of Urim: 120 years
• Mesh-Ki-Ang-Nanna of Urim: 48 years
• ? of Urim: 2 years
Then Urim was defeated and the kingship was taken to Adab.
• Lugal-Anne-Mundu of Adab: 90 years
Then Adab was defeated and the kingship was taken to Mari.
• Anbu of Mari: 30 years
• Anba of Mari: 17 years
• Bazi of Mari: 30 years
• Zizi of Mari: 20 years
• Limer of Mari, the gudu priest: 30 years
• Sharrum-Iter of Mari: 9 years
Then Mari was defeated and the kingship was taken to Kish.

Third Dynasty of Kish
• Kug-Baba of Kish, the woman tavern-keeper, who made firm the foundations of Kish: 100 years
(the only woman in the King Lists)
Then Kish was defeated and the kingship was taken to Akshak.
• Unzi of Akshak: 30 years
• Undalulu of Akshak: 6 years
• Urur of Akshak: 6 years
• Puzur-Nirah of Akshak: 20 years
• Ishu-Il of Akshak: 24 years
• Shu-Sin of Akshak: 7 years
Then Akshak was defeated and the kingship was taken to Kish.

Fourth Dynasty of Kish
• Puzur-Sin of Kish: 25 years
• Ur-Zababa of Kish: 400 (6?) years
• Zimudar of Kish: 30 years
• Ussi-Watar of Kish: 7 years
• Eshtar-Muti of Kish: 11 years
• Ishme-Shamash of Kish: 11 years
• Shu-Ilishu of Kish: 15 years
• Nanniya of Kish, the jeweller: 7 years.
Then Kish was defeated and the kingship was taken to Unug.

Third Dynasty of Uruk
• Lugal-Zage-Si of Unug: 25 years
(2259 BC–2235 BC short chronology) defeated Lagash.
• Sargon, whose father was a gardener, the cupbearer of Ur-Zababa, the king (first emperor) of Agade, who built Agade: 40 years
(ca. 2235 BC short chronology)
• Rimush, younger son of Sargon: 9 years
• Man-Ishtishu, older son of Sargon: 15 years
• Naram-Sin, son of Man-Ishtishu: 56 years
• Shar-Kali-Sharri, son of Naram-Sin: 25 years
Then who was king? Who was the king?
• Irgigi, Imi, Nanum, Ilulu: four of them ruled for only 3 years
• Dudu: 21 years
• Shu-Durul, son of Dudu: 15 years
Then Agade was defeated and the kingship was taken to Unug.

Fourth Dynasty of Uruk
(Possibly rulers of lower Mesopotamia contemporary with the dynasty of Akkad)
• Ur-Ningin of Unug: 7 years
• Ur-Gigir of Unug: 6 years
• Kuda of Unug: 6 years
• Puzur-Ili of Unug: 5 years
• Ur-Utu (or Lugal-Melem) of Unug: 25 years
Unug was defeated and the kingship was taken to the army of Gutium.

Gutian period
In the army of Gutium, at first no king was famous; they were their own kings and ruled thus for 3 years
• Inkishush of Gutium: 6 years
• Zarlagab of Gutium: 6 years
• Shulme (or Yarlagash) of Gutium: 6 years
• Silulumesh (or Silulu) of Gutium: 6 years
• Inimabakesh (or Duga) of Gutium: 5 years
• Igeshaush (or Ilu-An) of Gutium: 6 years
• Yarlagab of Gutium: 3 years
• Ibate of Gutium: 3 years
• Yarla of Gutium: 3 years
• Kurum of Gutium: 1 year
• Apil-Kin of Gutium: 3 years
• La-Erabum of Gutium: 2 years
• Irarum of Gutium: 2 years
• Ibranum of Gutium: 1 year
• Hablum of Gutium: 2 years
• Puzur-Sin of Gutium: 7 years
• Yarlaganda of Gutium: 7 years
• ? of Gutium: 7 years
• Tiriga of Gutium: 40 days

• Utu-hegal of Unug: conflicting dates (427 years / 26 years / 7 years)
drives out the Gutians

Third dynasty of Ur
"Sumerian Renaissance"
• Ur-Nammu of Urim: 18 years
ruled ca. 2065 BC–2047 BC short chronology.
• Shulgi: 46 years
ruled ca. 2047 BC–1999 BC short chronology.
• Amar-Sina of Urim: 9 years
• Shu-Sin of Urim: 9 years
• Ibbi-Sin of Urim: 24 years
Then Urim was defeated. The very foundation of Sumer was torn out (?). The kingship was taken to Isin.

Dynasty of Isin
Independent Amorite states in lower Mesopotamia. The dynasty ends at ca. 1730 BC short chronology.
• Ishbi-Erra of Isin: 33 years
• Shu-ilishu of Isin: 20 years
• Iddin-Dagan of Isin: 20 years
• Ishme-Dagan of Isin: 20 years
• Lipit-Eshtar of Isin 11 years
• Ur-Ninurta of Isin (the son of Ishkur, may he have years of abundance, a good reign, and a sweet life): 28 years
• Bur-Sin of Isin: 5 years
• Lipit-Enlil of Isin: 5 years
• Erra-Imitti of Isin: 8 years
• Enlil-Bani of Isin: 24 years (the king's gardener, to celebrate the New Year was named 'king for a day' then sacrificed, the king died during the celebration. Enlil-Bani remained on the throne.)
• Zambiya of Isin: 3 years
• Iter-Pisha of Isin: 4 years
• Ur-Dul-Kuga of Isin: 4 years
• Suen-magir of Isin: 11 years
• Damiq-ilicu of Isin: 23 years

Assyrian Rulers
Early Period
"The Kings who lived in tents"
• Ikunum (?)
• Tudiya (ca. 2500 BC)
• Adamu
• Yangi
• Suhlamu
• Harharu
• Mandaru
• Imsu
• HAR-su
• Didanu
• Hana
• Zuabu
• Nuabu
• Abazu
• Belu
• Azarah
• Ushpia (ca. 2020 BC?)
"Kings who were forefathers" (listed in reverse order by the Assyrian King List)
• Apiashal son of Ushpia
• Hale son of Apiashal
• Samani son of Hale
• Hayani son of Samani
• Ilu-Mer son of Hayani
• Yakmesi son of Ilu-Mer
• Yakmeni son of Yakmesi
• Yazkur-el son of Yakmeni
• Ila-kabkaba son of Yazkur-el
• Aminu son of Ila-kabkaba
"Kings whose eponyms are destroyed(?)"
• Sulili son of Aminu
• Kikkia (ca. 2000-1985)
• Akiya (ca. 1985-1970)
• Puzur-Ashur I (ca. 1970-1960)
• Shallim-ahhe (ca. 1960-1945)
• Ilushuma (ca. 1945-1906) (raids into southern Mesopotamia)

Old Assyrian Period
• Erishum I (ca. 1906-1867 BC)
• Ikunum (ca. 1867-1860 BC)
• Sargon I (ca. 1860-1850 BC) (rule at the Temple / Castle of Nimud, see Nimrud)
• Puzur-Ashur II (ca. 1850-1830 BC)
• Naram-Sin (ca. 1830-1815 BC)
• Erishum II (ca. 1815-1809 BC)
• Shamshi-Adad I (ca. 1809-1781 BC)
• Ishme-Dagan I (ca. 1780-1741 BC)
• Mut-Ashkur (ca. 1730-1720 BC)
• Rimush (ca. 1720-1710 BC)
• Asinum (ca. 1710-1706 BC)
• anarchy, seven usurpers (ca.1706-1700 BC)
o Assur-dugul "son of a nobody, not suitable to the throne"
o Assur-apla-idi (first of "six kings son(s) of a nobody")
o Nasir-Sin
o Sin-namir
o Ibqi-Ishtar
o Adad-salulu
o Adasi
• Belu-bani (ca.1700-1691 BC)
• Libaia (ca.1690-1674 BC)
• Sharma-Adad I (ca.1673-1662 BC)
• Iptar-Sin (ca.1661-1650 BC)
• Bazaia (ca.1649-1622 BC)
• Lullaia (ca.1621-1618 BC)
• Shu-Ninua (ca.1615-1602 BC)
• Sharma-Adad II (ca.1601 BC-1598 BC)
• Erishum III (ca.1598-1586 BC, traditional date, or ca.1580-1567 BC, newer dating)
• Shamshi-Adad II (ca.1567-1561 BC)
• Ishme-Dagan II (1561-1545 BC)
• Shamshi-Adad III (1545-1529 BC)
• Ashur-nirari I (1529-1503 BC)
• Puzur-Ashur III (1503-1479 BC)
• Enlil-nasir I (1479-1466 BC)
• Nur-ili (1466-1454 BC)
• Ashur-shaduni (1454 BC)
• Ashur-rabi I (1453-ca.1435 BC)
• Ashur-nadin-ahhe I (ca.1435-1420 BC)
• Enlil-nasir II (1420-1414 BC)
• Ashur-nirari II (1414-1407 BC)
• Ashur-bel-nisheshu (1407-1398 BC)
• Ashur-rim-nisheshu (1398-1390 BC)
• Ashur-nadin-ahhe II (1390-1380 BC)
Middle Assyrian Period
• Eriba-Adad I (1380-1353 BC)
• Ashur-uballit I (1353-1317 BC)
• Enlil-nirari (1317-1307 BC)
• Arik-den-ili (1307-1295 BC)
• Adad-nirari I (1295-1263 BC)
• Shalmaneser I (1263-1233 BC)
• Tukulti-Ninurta I (1233-1196 BC)
• Ashur-nadin-apli (1196-1193 BC)
• Ashur-nirari III (1193-1187 BC)
• Enlil-kudurri-usur (1187-1182 BC)
• Ninurta-apal-Ekur (1182-1179 BC)
• Ashur-Dan I (1179-1133 BC)
• Ninurta-tukulti-Ashur (1133 BC)
• Mutakkil-nusku (1133 BC)
• Ashur-resh-ishi I (1133-1115 BC)
• Tiglath-Pileser I (1115-1076 BC)
• Asharid-apal-Ekur (1076-1074 BC)
• Ashur-bel-kala (1074-1056 BC)
• Eriba-Adad II (1056-1054 BC)
• Shamshi-Adad IV (1054-1050 BC)
• Ashur-nasir-pal I (1050-1031 BC)
• Shalmaneser II (1031-1019 BC)
• Ashur-nirari IV (1019-1013 BC)
• Ashur-rabi II (1013-972 BC)
• Ashur-resh-ishi II (972-967 BC)
• Tiglath-Pileser II (967-935 BC)
• Ashur-Dan II (935-912 BC)

Neo-Assyrian Period
• Adad-nirari II (912 - 891 BC)
• Tukulti-Ninurta II (891 - 884 BC)
• Ashur-nasir-pal II (884 - 859 BC)
• Shalmaneser III (859 - 824 BC)
• Shamshi-Adad V (822 - 811 BC)
• Adad-nirari III (811 - 783 BC)
o Sammu-ramat (Semiramis), regent, (811 - 805 BC)
• Shalmaneser IV (783 - 773 BC)
• Ashur-Dan III (773 - 755 BC)
• Ashur-nirari V (755 - 745 BC)
• Tiglath-Pileser III (745 - 727 BC)
• Shalmaneser V (727 - 722 BC)
End of the document known as Assyrian King List; the following kings reigned after the list had been composed.
• Sargon II (722 - 705 BC)
• Sennacherib (705 - 681 BC)
• Esarhaddon (681 - 669 BC)
• Ashurbanipal (669 - c.631 or 627 BC)
• Ashur-etil-ilani (631/627 - 623 BC) (631-627 "regent" for his father Ashurbanipal)
• Sin-shumu-lishir (623 BC)
• Sin-shar-ishkun (623 - 612 BC)
In 612 BC, Nineveh, the Assyrian capital, fell to the Medes and Babylonians; supported by the Egyptians, an Assyrian general continued to rule for a few years from Harran as
• Ashur-uballit II (612- c.609 BC)

Babylonian Rulers

First Dynasty of Babylon
• Sumu-abum 1894-1881 BC
• Sumu-la-El 1880-1845 BC
• Sabium 1844-1831 BC
• Apil-Sîn 1830-1813 BC
• Sin-muballit 1812-1793 BC
• Hammurabi 1792-1750 BC
• Samsu-Iluna 1749-1712 BC
• Abi-Eshuh 1711-1684 BC
• Ammi-Ditana 1683-1647 BC
• Ammi-Saduqa 1646-1626 BC
• Samsu-Ditana 1625-1595 BC

Early Kassite Monarchs

These rulers did not rule Babylon itself, but their numbering scheme was continued by later Kassite Kings of Babylon, and so they are listed here.
• Gandash fl. c.1730 BC
• Agum I
• Kashtiliash I
• Ushshi
• Abirattash
• Kashtiliash II
• Urzigurumash
• Harbashihu
• Tiptakzi

Sealand Dynasty (Dynasty II of Babylon)
• Iluma-ilum fl. c.1732 BC
• Itti-ili-nibi
• Damiq-ilishu
• Ishkibal
• Shushushi
• Gulkishar
• Peshgaldaramash
• Adarakalamma
• Ekurduanna
• Melamkurkukka
• [1 unnamed king between Gulkishar and Ea-gamil(?)]
• Ea-gamil fl. c. 1460 BC

Kassite Dynasty (Third Dynasty of Babylon)
• Agum II fl. c.1570 BC
• Burna-Buriaš I
• Kaštiliaš III
• Ulam-Buriaš
• Agum III
• Kadašman-harbe I
• Karaindaš
• Kurigalzu I d.1377 BC
• Kadašman-Enlil I 1377-1361 BC
• Burna-Buriaš II 1361-1333 BC
• Karahardaš 1333-1331 BC
• Nazibugaš 1331 BC
• Kurigalzu II 1331-1306 BC
• Nazimaruttaš 1306-1280 BC
• Kadašman-Turgu 1280-1262 BC
• Kadašman-Enlil II 1262-1254 BC
• Kudur-Enlil 1254-1245 BC
• Šagarakti-Šuriaš 1245-1232 BC
• Kaštiliaš IV 1232-1224 BC
• Enlil-nadin-šumi 1224-1221
• Adad-šuma-iddina 1221-1215
• Adad-šuma-usur 1215-1185 BC
• Melišipak 1185-1170 BCE
• Marduk-apal-iddina I 1170-1157 BC
• Zababa-šuma-iddina 1157-1156 BC
• Enlil-nadin-ahhe 1156-1153 BC

Dynasty IV of Babylon, from Isin
• Marduk-kabit-ahhešu 1155-1146 BCE
• Itti-Marduk-balatu 1146-1132 BCE
• Ninurta-nadin-šumi 1132-1126 BCE
• Nabu-kudurri-usur (Nebuchadnezzar I) 1126-1103 BCE
• Enlil-nadin-apli 1103-1100 BCE
• Marduk-nadin-ahhe 1100-1082 BCE
• Marduk-šapik-zeri 1082-1069 BCE
• Adad-apla-iddina 1069-1046 BCE
• Marduk-ahhe-eriba 1046 BCE
• Marduk-zer-X 1046-1033 BCE
• Nabu-šum-libur 1033-1025 BCE

Dynasty V of Babylon
• Simbar-šipak 1025-1008 BCE
• Ea-mukin-šumi 1008 BCE
• Kaššu-nadin 1008-1004 BCE

Dynasty VI of Babylon
• Eulma-šakin-šumi 1004-987 BCE
• Ninurta-kudurri-usur 987-985 BCE
• Širiqti-šuqamunu 985 BCE

Dynasty VII of Babylon
• Mar-biti-apla-usur 985-979 BCE

Dynasty VIII of Babylon
• Nabu-mukin-apli 979-943 BCE

Dynasty IX of Babylon
• Ninurta-kudurri-usur 943 BCE
• Mar-biti-ahhe-iddina 943-c.920 BCE
• Šamaš-mudammiq c.920-900 BCE
• Nabu-šuma-ukin 900-888 BCE
• Nabu-apla-iddina 888-855 BCE
• Marduk-zakir-šumi I 855-819 BCE
• Marduk-balassu-iqbi 819-813 BCE
• Baba-aha-iddina 813-811 BCE
• 5 kings 811-c.800 BCE
• Ninurta-apla-X c.800-c.790 BCE
• Marduk-bel-zeri c.790-c.780 BCE
• Marduk-apla-usur c.780-769 BCE
• Eriba-Marduk 769-761 BCE
• Nabu-šuma-iškun 761-748 BCE

Dynasty IX of Babylon
From this point on, the Babylonian chronology is securely known via Ptolemy's Canon of Kings and other sources.
• Nabonassar (Nabu-nasir) 748-734 BCE
• Nabu-nadin-zeri 734-732 BCE
• Nabu-šuma-ukin II 732 BCE

Dynasty X of Babylon (Assyrians and Chaldeans)
• Nabu-mukin-zeri, 732-729 BCE
• Pulu (Tiglath-Pileser III of Assyria) 729-727 BCE
• Ululayu (Shalmaneser V of Assyria) 727-722 BCE
• Marduk-apal-iddina II (the Biblical Merodach-Baladan), 722-710 BCE
• Šarrukin (Sargon) II of Assyria, 710-705 BCE
• Sin-ahhe-eriba (Sennacherib) of Assyria, 705-703 BCE
• Marduk-zakir-šumi II, 703 BCE
• Marduk-apal-iddina II, 703 BCE (restored)
• Bel-ibni, 703-700 BCE
• Aššur-nadin-šumi (son of Sennacherib of Assyria), 700-694 BCE
• Nergal-ušezib, 694-693 BCE
• Mušezib-Marduk, 693-689 BCE
Assyrian Sack of Babylon, 689 BCE; Babylon is rebuilt by Esarhaddon of Assyria in the 670s BCE
• Sin-ahhe-eriba (Sennacherib) of Assyria, 689-681 BCE
• Aššur-ahha-iddina (Esarhaddon) of Assyria, 681-669 BCE
• Šamaš-šum-ukin (son of Esarhaddon), 668-648 BCE
• Kandalanu (possibly Ashurbanipal of Assyria or else a viceroy), 648-627 BCE

Dynasty XI of Babylon (Neo-Babylonian or Chaldean)
• Nabu-apla-usur (Nabopolassar) 626 - 605 BCE
• Nabu-kudurri-usur (Nebuchadrezzar) II 605 - 562 BCE
• Amel-Marduk 562 - 560 BCE
• Nergal-šar-usur (Nergal-sharezer) 560 - 556 BCE
• Labaši-Marduk 556 BCE
• Nabu-na'id (Nabonidus) 556 - 539 BCE
• Kambyses 538 - 522 BCE
In 539 BCE, Babylon was captured by Cyrus the Great of Persia, and lost its independence. His son was crowned one year later formaly as King of Babylonia

The Ancient World Culture

9000-500 BC
Sumer, Babylonia, Assyrian

Devine ownership of all entrusted to kings as divine representatives of gods' will; Hammurabic Code, laws governing civil laws governing civil and criminal acts; Conquered by Cyrus the Great of Persia
Heirarchy of gods; Enlil, god of air and storms, supreme ruler of Sumerian pantheon; ziggurat temples
cuneiform (trans. by H. Creswicke, 1835); Epic of Gilgamesh; Noah and Job myths
Standard of Ur; panels depicting all classes of Sumerian society
Daily Life
hydraulic society - based on irrigation control and flood management; small but powerful aristocracy; large middle class; a minority population of slaves who could transact business and purchase their freedom

Heirarchy with the pharaohs having absolute power; Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms' stability interrupted by long periods of instability and chaos; Alexander conquers
preoccupation with life after death; elaborate efforts to duplicate life on earth with life in the netherworld; pyramids; power of gods linked to natural forces
hieroglyphics, not translated until the Rosetta Stone, 1820; Egyptian Book of the Dead
Movement from realism to highly stylized figures, found in tombs murals and artifacts; Tut = least pillaged pyramid
Daily Life
hydraulic society religion = most powerful social force; dependent upon huge slave population, often Hebrews, who did not have social mobility; records indicating strong family ties
1800 - 70AD
Moses, Saul, David, Solomon

rule of prophets and reign of kings split by civil war and eventual destruction of Jerusalem; Theocractic rule; final destruction of temple by Titus; Jews sent into exile.
belief in invisible, omnipotent god, in collective + personal responsibility, repentance, and salvation; Mosaic Law - 10; Commandments and Torah; Talmud = commentaries
Old Testament: Torah, histories, prophetic writings, Psalms
Did not believe in "craven" imagery; implements were often decorated
Daily Life
temple as social-religious center for community religious laws determined behavior, diet, hygiene, etc.; literacy required for confirmation (bar mitzvah)
The First Sumerian Cities
One of the first cities... of the Sumerians, was the very "Lagash", of whose conquest... Sargon of Akkad, had boasted! Their dynasty started circa 2900 BC, and lasted for 650 years. During this time 43 "EN.SI’s" (Righteous Rulers)... reigned without interruption in Lagash: Their names, genealogies, and lengths of rule, were all neatly recorded.
The "Ziggurat" Temple - tower... was used in Mesopotamian religions,being the foremost religious edifice. Ziggurats... were erected from around 2200 BCE until 500 BCE, and there are about 25 left today, covering the area... from southern Babylonia (Baghad, Iraq), all the way north to Assyria.

Chronology of Events
8000 BC City of Jericho founded, the oldest inhabited settlement on earth.
6000 BC Migration of northern farmers settle in region from Babylon to Persian Gulf. Hassuna culture introduces irrigation, fine pottery, permanent dwellings; dominates culture for 1000 years, develops tradefrom Persian Gulf to Mediterranean.
5600 BC Postulated time of the Biblical Noah's Flood in the Black Sea region
5508 BC Byzantine equivalent date for the Creation of the World
5500 BC Evidence of prehistoric culture in Sumeria region of southern Mesopotamia
5000 BC Ubaidians develop first divisions of labor, mud brick villages, first religious shrines. Small temple at Eridu - earliest example of an offering table and niche for cult object.
4977 BC Birth of the Universe according to Johannes Kepler
4000 BC Semitic nomads from Syria and Arabian peninsula invade southern Mesopotamia, intermingle with Ubaidian population. Temple at Tepe Gawra built - setting style for later examples.
3761 BC Jewish equivalent date for the Creation of the World
3550 BC Megiddo (Armageddon- N. Israel) established, prophesized in "Revelations"to be the site of the ultimate battle between the forces of Good and Evil on the Final Day of God
3500 BC First pyramids, made of earth, constructed in Peru.
Sumerians settle on banks of Euphrates. Temple at Eridu – ziggurat prototype
3400 BC The Bronze (copper + tin) Age begins following the end of the Neolithic (new stone) Age (from 10,000BC)
3300 BC Sumerians have the first kings, develop cuneiform writing, the wheel, the plow, the 60 second minute - Sumerian city-states emerge
3200 BC Menes (Narmer) King of Upper Egypt conquers Lower Egypt forming single (Old) Kingdom - Development of hieroglyphics in Egypt. Embalming of the dead developed in Egypt.
3100 BC First Dynasty of Egypt - Mesopotamia inhabited - Grapes first crushed and fermented to produce wine
3000 BC Ur and Uruk, the first recognized city-states on Earth, are established in the Sumer region of Southern Mesopotamia (Iraq) in the south end of the Fertile Crescent, where records for the first Kings, the wheel and the plow are found.
Democratic assemblies give way to kingships, evolve into hereditary monarchies.
Kish - leading Sumerian city
Introduction of pictographs to keep administrative records.
3-D statues, e.g. Warka head.
White Temple - ziggurat traditional design.
Temple at Tell Uqair - mosaic decorations.
cuneiform land sales formal contracts.
Eridu and Kish - simple palaces.
"Standard of Ur" - war-peace plaque, religious statues, gold and silver artifacts buried in tombs of Ur.
Sumerians of Abu Salabikh - first poetry.
3000 BC Potatos first cultivated in S.America - Corn grown as a crop in Mexico - Cotton grown in the Indus Valley - Ox-Plow used in Europe
2950 BC Jericho developed in Palestine - The oldest known inhabited city on Earth
2800 BC Ancient Minoan Culture on Island of Crete in Aegean Sea
2800 BC First phase of Stonehenge construction of wood
2750 BC Imhotep, the first great physician and architect in history, constructs the first (stepped) stone pyramid at Saqqara, Egypt under ruler Zoser; the first great monumental building built by man.
Gilgamesh, hero of Sumerian legends, reigns as king of Erech
2700 BC Sumerian culture develops in Mesopotamia - Temples and Palaces built of brick
2700 BC Spoked wheels come into use
2550 BC Khufu (Cheops-4th Dynasty) completes first Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt; which reigns as the tallest structure on Earth until completion of the Eiffel Tower in 1889
2500 BC The horse is domesticated in China
2500 BC Egyptian warriors in chariots using composite bows of horn and wood, and half-once arrows with hollow reed shafts with a range of 400 yards
Lugalannemudu of Abab unites city states which vie for domination for 200 years.
2340 BC Akkadian Dynasty, the worlds first empire, established by Sargon of Sumeria; which falls in 2180BC.
2279 BC Sargon the Great of Sumeria dies
2250 BC Ur-Nammu founds Ur's 3rd. dynasty; dedicates ziggurat at Ur moon-god Nanna, sets up early law code. Gudea, Prince of Lagsh, art and lit patron,magnificant statues produced in his honor.
2200 BC Development of Troy II, III, IV
2197 BC Fall of Akkad in Sumeria to invading barbarians from Persia and northeast
2180 BC Babylonians build first underwater tunnel under the Euphrates River using bricks and "cut and cover" method
2060 BC Sumeria has revival under the third dynasty of UR which falls to the Babylonians c.1950BC
2080 BC "Middle" Kingdom (2080-1640) begins in Egypt
2050 BC Gilgamesh Epic of 3000 lines on 12 tablets, set down, telling of the Babylonian King of Uruk.
1991 BC 12th Dynasty in Egypt - Capitol Thebes - Expansion of the Empire
1950 BC Third Dynasty of UR falls to the Babylonians and the Sumerian era ends.
1920 BC Cannantites and beginning of religious monotheistic (one God) beliefs - Time of Abraham, founder of Judaism.
1900 BC Postulated time for the biblical destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah, the wicked "cities of the plain" in the Dead Sea region, also of Admah, Zeboiim and Zoar, of which Zoar was spared.
Amorites from Syrian desert conquer Sumer.
1800 BC Smelted (bloom) Iron comes into use - Bronze Age fades into the Iron Age
Hammurabi asccends Babylonian throne.
1792 BC Hammurabi founds and rules, until 1750 BC, over the original Empire of Babylonia (Mesopotamia), which was eventually destroyed by raiders from Asia Minor.
1760 BC Alphabetic writing emerges as simpler way of recording information than Egyptian hieroglyphics
1750 BC First Babylonian Dynasty arises after Hammurabi cedes power in Mesopotamia
1650 BC Hittite culture develops in the Lower Euphrates River Region
1640 BC "Middle" Kingdom (2080-1640) ends in Egypt
1622 BC 16th Dynasty begins in Egypt - Capitol Thebes - Re-conquest of power throughout Egypt
1600 BC Minoan culture on Crete at its zenith.
Hittite invasion from Turkey ends Hammurabi's dynasty.
1580 BC 18th Dynasty in Egypt - Capitols Thebes & Akhetaten - Triumph of Egyptian Empire over known world
1570 BC "New" Kingdom (1570-1075) in Egypt begins
1538 BC Island of Thera, (Atlantis?) now Santorini, destroyed by massive volcanic eruption. The resulting wave surge from this eruption was also responsible for the demise of the Manoan Civilization on Crete.
1525 BC 18th Dynasty in Egypt - Temple at Karnak, Egypt enriched to maximum glory
1500 BC Mayan civilization arises in Central America
1500 BC Irrigation from the Nile River in use in Egypt
1500 BC First bronze swords in use - Sundial in use in Egypt - Chinese invent the crossbow
Assyria conquered by Hurrians from Anatolia.
1486-1468 BC Hatshepsut (1505-1486) regent for her son, reigns in Egypt wearing male attire and the pharaoh's false beard
1469 BC Battle of Megiddo, Esdraelon, Palestine where Egyptians destroyed a rebel army and captured Megiddo after a siege of 3 weeks.
1450 BC Term "Pharoh" for Egyptian rulers comes into use. It is a hebrew term for "great house"
1450 BC Stonehenge third phase completed to present layout and form
1400 BC Knosses on Crete finally destroyed and the Minoan civilization fades into obscurity
Kurigalzu assumes Babylonian throne.

1354-1345 Tutankhamen, the "Boy-King" on the throne of Egypt
1350 BC Forged (tempered) Iron comes into use by the Hittites - "Iron Age" continues into modern times
1350 BC Biblical Walls of Jericho fall (due to earthquake?)
1350 BC First known outbreak of Smallpox when Hittite warriors catch disease from Egyptian prisoners
1314 BC 19th Dynasty in Egypt - Capitols Tanis & Thebes - Military power in recurrent wars
1300 BC Conquest of Jericho from the Canaanites by Joshua (dated between 1400BC to 1250BC)
1294 BC Battle of Kadesh (Qadesh, on Orontes River, Syria), between Rameses II of Egypt and Hittite King Muwatalis. Ramses was unable to capture Kadesh and eventually made peace.
1292 BC Ramses II begins reign of 67 years in Egypt till his death in 1225 - Egypt reaches its zeneth during his reign
1280 BC Troy sacked by the Greeks
1274 BC Ramses' Battle of Kadesh
1259 BC Non-aggression peace treaty established between Egypt and Hettites after long conflict.
1230 BC Exodus of the Jews from Egypt by Moses, during the reign of Ramses-II
1200 BC 20th Dynasty in Egypt - Capitol Thebes - Recovery and Decadence of Central Power
Nebuchadrezzar I expels Elamites.
1185 BC Beginning of the Ionian immigration in the Aegean Sea region
1184 BC Ramses III comes to power in Egypt
1180 BC First Babylonian Dynasty falls into anarchy.
1100 BC The YoYo comes into use in Greece as the 2nd oldest known toy - Only the doll is older.
King Tiglath-Pileser I leads Assyria to new era of power.
Iron, introduced originally by Hittites, is used extensively in Assyria for tools and weapons.
1085 BC 21st Dynasty in Egypt - Capitols Tanis & Thebes - Power splits with Lower Egypt ruled from Tanis and Upper Egypt ruled from Thebes
1075 BC "New" Kingdom (1570-1075) in Egypt ends
1075 BC Stonehenge fourth and final phase completed
1012-922 Kings: Saul, David and Solomon reign over United 12 Hebrew Tribes (Kingdoms)
1010 BC Saul and Israelites defeat Philistines at Mount Gilboa
1000 BC A cult of "Zeus" formed at Olympia in the valley of the River Alpheus, where locals sacrificed animals to the God Zeus and hosted festivals.
Assyrian empire shattered by Aramaean and Zagros tribes. 150 Assyrian decline halted by Adadnirari II.
970-931 BC Reign of King Solomon who rules over the 12 Tribes of Israel
966 BC King Solomon begins construction of First Temple on Mount Mariah in Jerusalem
958 BC Temple (first) on Mount Mariah in Jerusalem completed by King Solomon
930 BC Death of King Solomon - Division of the 12 Hebrew Tribes, Israel (10) 922-721 Judah (2) 922-586
814 BC Traditional time for the founding of Carthage on the North Coast of Africa (modern day Tunisia)
800-750 BC Iron Age settlement on Palatine Hill, along the Tiber River, the site of future Rome, cremation of the dead becomes common.
Tiglath-Pileser II creates great empire extending from the Persian Gulf to the borders of Egypt.
Sargon II builds new capitol at Dur-Sharrukin
776 BC Olympic Games instituted in Greece with the Stadion, a 192 meter (600 ft) footrace. The Games were a 5-day athletic festival to honor Zeus, King of the Gods
EARLY ROMAN (Etruscan) PERIOD 753 BC to 510 BC
753 BC Traditional year for the founding of Rome by Romulus
753-715 BC ROMULUS - King of Rome
745-612 BC Assyrian Empire - Time of Jewish prophet Isaiah
727 BC Hezekiah becomes King of Judah
724 BC The Diaulos (384 meter foot race) added to Olympic Games
722 BC Israelite capitol of Samaria falls to Sargon, King of Assyria, resulting in the dispersion of the "Ten Tribes of Israel" into Assyria and Persia-Media, where their history is said to have ended
720 BC The Dolichos (long distance run) added to Olympic Games
718 BC The Eternal Flame of Rome is ignited, tended by the Vestal Virgins. It was the longest lasting fire, continuing to burn for 1112 years until it was allowed to die-out in 394 AD
715-673 NUMA POMPILIUS - King of Rome
708 BC The Pentathion (wrestling, stadion, long-jump, discus, javelin) becomes a part the Olympic Games
705 BC Death of Sargon II, King of Assyria
704 BC Sennacherib (Senake-riba) comes to power over Syria / Babylon
701 BC First invasion of Judah by Sennacherib (Senake-riba), which routed rebellious Jews and exacted a heavy toll upon them.
700 BC Early Rome at odds with its neighbors, the "Sabines"; with later compromises
Assurbanipal extends empire from Nile to Caucasus Mountains. Chaldeans and Iranian Medes overrun Assyria - Neo-Babylonian empire.
Sennacherib's son, Esaraddon, rebuilds Babylon.
600 BC Nebuchadrezzar II rules Neo-Babylonian empire. Razes Jerusalem, takes Jews into captivity in Babylon.
Builds "Tower of Babel," temple to Marduk
500 BC Cyrus the Great, Persian warrior and statesman, conquers Babylon.
730-790 Roman and Sabine Kings alternately rule over Roman territories
690 BC Second invasion of Judah by Sennacherib thwarted by a plague in the 185,000 man Assyrian Army.
689 BC City of Babylon (Mesopotamia on Euphrates River) destroyed by the Assyrians under Sennacherib.
688 BC Boxing added to the Olympic Games during the XXIII Olympiad
688 BC Sennacherib (Senake-riba) ends 2nd siege of Jeruselem after sudden deaths of 185,000 soldiers within his Assyrian Army due to disease plaque (smallpox, black death, anthrax?)
681 BC Sennacherib (Senake-riba) , King of Assyria, assassinated by two of his sons. Esarhaddon comes to power
680 BC Four horse Chariot Race becomes a part of the Olympic Games
680 BC Estruscan Tarquins take control of Rome
673-642 TULLUS HOSTILIUS - King of Rome
670 BC First major bridge "Pons Sublicius" (wood piles) built across the Tiber River to the Temple to Jupiter
669 BC Esarhaddon, King of Assyria-Mesopotamia, dies - Ashurbonipal comes to power
667 BC Byzantium City (future Constantinople) founded by Megara Greeks
666 BC Ashurbonipal establishes world's first library
665 BC Traditional date for founding of Cyrene by Greeks from Thera
650-550 Celtic tribes from central Europe encrouch on northern Italy
648 BC The Pankration (boxing, wrestling, general free-for-all) and a Horse Race become a part of the Olympic Games
642-617 ANCUS MARTIUS - King of Rome
627 BC Ashurbonipal, King of Assyria-Mesopotamia dies - Nabopolassar vies for thrown of Babylonia.
626 BC Nabopolasser of Babylonia begins campaign to conquer Assyria.
616-510 Rome dominated by the Etruscan culture in northern Italy
616-579 Lucius TARQUINIUS PRISCUS (Tarquin I) - First Etruscan King of Rome, takes peacful control of Rome
612 BC City of Ninevah captured by Nabopolassar allied with the Medes and Persians bringing the downfall of Assyrian Empire. New Babylonian (Chaldaean) Empire established.
605 BC Nebuchadnezzar-II defeats Pharoh Necho at Carchemish to become ruler of Western Asia (Babylonia)
605 BC Nabopolassar of Babylonia dies, succeded by Nebuchadnezzar-II
605-562 Nebuchadnezzar, reigns as King of Babylonia; builds "Hanging Gardens"
600 BC Public Square "The Forum Romanum" is created in Rome
600 BC Tradition of Cremation becomes a part of Roman Culture
597-586 Nebuchadnezzar crushes Judian revolt and places Zedekiah, as puppit king, who reigns as the Last King of Judah for nine years until 586 BC.
586 BC Destruction of Jerusalem and Temple of Solomon by Nebuzarradan, under orders of King Nebuchadnezzar - The Babylonian Captivity and Exile of Judah begins
580 BC Birth of Cyrus the Great of Persia
578-535 Servius TARQUINIUS TULLIUS - Latin King of Rome, son in law of Tarquinius Priscus
575 BC City of Babylon becomes largest city in the ancient world of that time
570 BC Tower of Babal constructed in City of Babylon
562 BC Nebuchadnezzar age 84, King of Babylonia, dies.
559 BC Cyres the Great comes to power in Persia
550 BC Cyrus the Great founds Persian Empire - Temple of Artemis (called Temple of Diana by the Romans) built in Ephesus (Kucuk Menderes), W. Turkey.
550 BC Gold coins come into use in Sardis, Western Turkey
549 BC Belshazzar comes to power in Babylonia
546 BC Cyrus captures Croeses and Lydia becomes a satrapy under Persian government.
538 BC Cyrus the Great of Persia, conquers Babylonia, deposing King Belshazzar who saw "the writing on the wall" -" Mene Mene Tekel Upharson" - "Weighed in the balance and found wanting").
537 BC Cyrus King of Persia issues the famous edict ending the Babylonian Captivity of Judah, who return to Jerusalem to build 2nd (Zerubbabel's) Temple - Cuniform writing declines in use.
535 BC Construction on Isle of Samos of oldest known tunnel still in use, originally for water, now used by pedestrians between Greece and Turkey
535-510 Lucius TARQUINIUS SUPERBUS, "The Proud" (Tarquin II) - Last Etruscan King of Rome
529 BC Death of Cyrus the Great of Persia
525 BC Persian conquest of Egypt - Cambyses becomes Pharaoh
525 BC Foot race, in armor, added to Olympic Games
522 BC Darius-I, "The Great" rules over Persia till 484BC
521 BC First written reference to Iron in China
515 BC Second (Zerubbabel's) Temple on Mount Moriah completed at Jerusalem, of which only the sacred "Western Wall" remains today
510 BC Tarquinius Superbus and other "Tarquins" expelled from Rome


Assignment ko to sa Area Studies 124.. bara bara lang..tsk tsk.. wala ng time eh.. late ko na nga ito isusubmit eh.. Hay, wat's happening to me again? nagiging iresponsible na naman ako.

The Pig

Just while checking my flooded email address because of prof.roli i found this funny thing he sent attached with our exercises.

The Pig

If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.

(Hardly seems worth it.)

If you farted consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb.

(Now that's more like it!)

The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet.


A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes.

(In my next life, I want to be a pig.)

A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death. (Creepy.)

(I'm still not over the pig.)

Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.
(Do not try this at home...... maybe at work.)

The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the male's head off.

("Honey, I'm home. What the....?!")

The flea can jump 350 times its body length. It's like a human jumping the length of a football field.

(30 minutes... lucky pig... can you imagine??)

The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds.

(What could be so tasty on the bottom of a pond?)

Some lions mate over 50 times a day.

(I still want to be a pig in my next life...quality over quantity)

Butterflies taste with their feet.

(Something I always wanted to know.)

The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.

(Hmmmmmm.... ....)

Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people.

(If you're ambidextrous, do you split the difference?)

Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump.

(OK, so that would be a good thing....)

A cat's urine glows under a black light.

(I wonder who was paid to figure that out?)

An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.

(I know some people like that.)

Starfish have no brains.

(I know some people like that too.)

Polar bears are left-handed.

(If they switch, they'll live a lot longer.)

Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.

(What about that pig??)

Monday, October 23, 2006

Isang Kritikal na Pagtalakay sa Retraction Letter ni Dr. Jose Rizal

Isa sa mga natutunan ko sa pag-aaral sa unibersidad na ito ay dapat laging maging kritikal sa mga bagay bagay. Hindi dapat na basta nalang tinatanggap ang kung ano mang bagay na sabihin. Gayun pa man, ang sulating ito ay tatalakay ng parehong panig kung totoo nga ba ang retraksyong ginawa ni Rizal isang araw bago siya barilin sa Bagumbayan.

I declare that I am a Catholic, and in this religion, in which I was born and educated, I wish to live and die.
I retract with all my heart anything in my words, writings, publications and conduct that has been contrary to my character as a child of the Church. I believe and profess what it teaches. I submit to what it demands. I abominate Masonry as an enemy of the Church and as a society prohibited by it.
The Diocesan Prelate, as the superior ecclesiastical authority, may make this manifestation public. I declare this spontaneously, in order to repair any scandal which my acts may have caused and so that God and man may pardon me.
Manila, December 29th, 1896.
Jose Rizal


Ayon sa akdang “The Pride of the Malay Race: A Biography of Dr. Jose Rizal” may mga pangyayari sa kasaysayan na salungat sa sinasabing retraksyon na ginawa ni Jose Rizal.

Una, ang dokumento ng retraksyon ay itinago ng pagkahaba habang panahon at walang iba kundi ang mga autoridad lamang ang may karapatan na tumingin at makakita nito. Inilabas nga ito sa dyaryo ngunit wala itinago naman ang pinaka orihinal.

Ikalawa, nang hingin ng mga malapit na kamag-anak ni Rizal ang dokumento pati ang dokumento na nagpapatunay ng kasal ni Jose Rizal at Josephine Bracken ay hindi nila ito ibinigay pareho.

Ikatlo, kung sakaling totoo man ang retraksyon ay kinuwestiyon ni Ozeta (1949) kung bakit hindi pa rin binigyan ng magandang lamay si Rizal kasama ang kanyang mga malapit na kamag-anak at sa halip ay sa mga malapit lamang na kaibigan ng mga prayle ito inilagi bago ito ilibing.

Pang-apat, walang ni isang katoliko na makapagpatunay na ang lamay ay dinaluhan ng mga iba pang Katoliko.

Panlima, hindi tinuturing na isang Katolikong Sementeryo ang pinaglibingan kay Rizal at ang lugar na pinaglibingan sa kanya ay hindi man lamang nilagyan ng Krus sa ibabaw at tanging ang kanyang mga malapit an kamag-anak ang nakakaalam sa lugar.

Pang-anim, ang pangalan ni Jose Rizal sa listahan ng mga namatay noong Disyembre 30, 1896 ay hindi kasama at ito ay nasa isang especial na pahina kung saan naroon an gang especial na utos ng mga awtoridad. Kasama ni Rizal sa listahan ay ang isang taong hindi na makilala dahil sa ito ay namatay sa pagsunog sa kanyang katawan at ang isa pang lalaki na namatays sa pagpatay sa sarili. Kung tutuusin, gusto ipakita dito ni

Ozaeta na ang mga kasam ni Rizal sa listahan ay ang mga hindi Katoliko at ang mga ito ay mga namatay sa mga di maganadang kaparaanan at isa pa ang mga ito ay hindi nabigyan ng Kristiyanong libing.

Pangpito at ikahuli, sinabi rin ni Ozoeta sa kanyang akda na walang dahilan o motibo na maaaring maging dahilan ng retraksyon ni Rizal. (Ozoeta, 1949)

Ang mga argumentong ipinakita ni Ozoeta sa akdang ito ay mahina kung ikukukmapara sa akda ni Jose Hernandez na nagpapakita ng mga ebidensya.

Ang unang ebidensya na ipinakit ni Hernandez ay ang sinasabi niyang sa batas ay ang pinakamatibay rin na ebidensya. Ito ay ang mismong dokumento. Hindi lamang basta naglalaman ang dokumento ng pirma ni Rizal kundi ang buong dokumento ay naglalaman ng sulat kamay ni Rizal. Ang dokumento rin ay napag-aralan na ng mga eksperto. Isa sa mga ito ay sina Dr. Jose Del Rosario na ayon sa kanya ang dokumentong ito ay totoong sulat at pirma ni Rizal. Dahil sa Katoliko at taga-Ateneo si Dr. Del Rosario ay walang duda na pagdududahan ng pag-aaral na ginawa niya sa dokumento kung wala ba itong kinikilingan. Ang isa pa sa mga nag-aral ukol sa dukumento ay si Professor Otley Beyer na isang propesor, hindi taga-Ateneo at hindi rin siya isang Katoliko. Mainam sana ang pagkakabasi ni Hernandez na sumang-ayon sina Teodoro Kalaw, isang Mason at hindi Katoliko; Dr. Bantug at Dr. Leoncio Lopez Rizal, pamangkin ni Jose Rizal ngunit hindi naman sinabi ni Hernandez kung paano nasabi ng mga ito na orihinal talaga ang dokumento. Ngunit binanggit din nya si Austin Craig, isang kilalang historiyador, n anoon pa lamang 1912 ay gumawa na ng pag-aaral ukol sa retraksyon at sumang-ayon na orihinal nga ang naturang dokumento.

Ang ikalawang ebidensya na ipinakita ni Hernandez ay sinabi niyang direktang ebidensya. Ito ay ang testimoniya ng mga taong sinasabing nakasaksi nang ginawang retraksyon ni Rizal. Ang mga ito ay sina Father Viza, Fr.Pio Pi, Fr. Silvino Lopez Tunon, Archbishop Bernardino Nozaleda Gen. Rafael Dominguez, Fiscal Gaspar Castaño, Father Rosell, Father Vicente Balaguer, Luis Taviel De Andrade at Father Tomas Feijoo. Sabihin na nating maaring ang mga prayle ay hindi maging kapani-paniwala ang testimonya dahil sa prayle sila at maaring may maitim na dahilan at plano ang mga ito. Sinabi rin ni Hernandez na hindi dapat ganun ang pagtingin sa testimonya ng mga prayle bilang isang Kristiyano at katoloko dahil kung hindi sila papaniwalaan ay sino pa ang maaaring paniwalaan. Sa kabilang banda, mayroon din namang mga hindi prayle tulad nalang nila Gen. Rafael Domiguez, Fiscal Gaspar Castaño at Luis Taviel De Andrade.

Ang huling ebidensya na ibinigay ni Hernandez ay ang tinatawag niyang circumstantial na ebidensya.

Ayon sa kanya ang buong retraksyon ay inilathala sa dyaryo kinabukasan ng pagkakapatay kay Jose Rizal. Pinagtibay niya ang argumento na nabasa naman daw ito ng mga kaaway ng simbahan, ng mga mason, ngunit wala namang mga reklamo na narinig mula sa kanila. Maaring ang mga ito ay naniniwala sa retraksyon na ginawa ni Rizal at wala naman kailangang kuwestiyunin. Kahit ang mga kaibigan ni Rizal ay wala ring nagprotesta pagpapatibay pa uli ni Hernandez.

Isa pang ebidensya na ipinakita ni Hernandez ang nagpatibay at nakatulong na lalo pa ako maniwala sa retraksyon na ito ni Rizal ay ang pamphlet na ipinamigay noong February 28, 1897, ilang buwan makalipas ang retraksyon ni Rizal. Ito ay pinamagatang “La Politico de España en Filipinas” nakapaloob dito ang retraksyon ni Rizal kabilang ang sa iba pa na tulad ng kina Francisco Rojas, Ramon Padilla, Luis Villareal, Fustino Villareal, Moises Salvador, Jose Dizon, Antonio Salazar, Geronimo Cristobal, Medina, at General Antonio Luna.

Sumasang-ayon ako kay Hernandez na kung gawa gawa lang ang retraksyon ni Rizal ay hindi na kailanagan pang lokohin ang retraksyon na ginawa ng iba. Ipinapakita lamang dito na possible talaga na ang sulat na ginawa na iyon ni Rizal dahil hindi lamang siya at marami rin ang sumunod sa kanya o nagkataon na gumawa rin ng kanilang mga retraksyon na sulat laban sa Mason.

Ang panghuli na bibigyan ko ng diin ay ang pagkakakasal ni Jose Rizal at Josephine Bracken sa umaga ng bago siya patayin na may ebidensya ng parehong direkta at circumstantial. Ito ay sinabi ni Josephine Bracken at ng paring nagkasal sa kanila pati ng ilang saksi. At isa pa, sa libro ni Kempis na pinamagatang “Imitation of Christ” ay tinawag ni Rizal si Josephine na “To my dear and unhappy wife”. Sa ibang akda sinasabing di kapanipaniwala ang mga testimonya ni Josephine pero kahit ano pa amn ay naniniwala ako sa retarksyin an ginawa ni Rizal.

Isa pa sa mga napapansin ko sa mga pelikula ay mayroong rosario si Rizal sa kamay bago ito mamatay.

Sumasang-ayon ako kay Locsin 1978 na matalino si Rizal ngunit alam ni Rizal na ang talino niya ay hindi makapagliligtas sa kanya pero binigay parin sa kanya iyon ng Diyos. Alam ko din na naniniwala si Rizal sa Diyos ngunit ayaw niya ng sistema ng mga prayle hindi ng sistema ng Diyos. Kaya tulad nga rin ng nabanggit ni Locsin, nais ni Rizal na mahanap ang daan patungo sa Diyos sa kanyang kaparaanan ng hindi dumadaan sa mga mapanirang mga prayle.

Hindi naman nakakabawas sa pagkatao, pagka-Pilipino at pagkabayani ni Rizal ang retraksyong ito na ginawa niya. Sa kabilang buhay ay hindi naman siya ililigtas ng mga isinulat niya at ng talino niya.

Kung susuriin din mismo ang kanyang liham ay ang mason lamang naman ang kanyang binibitawan hindi ang kanyang pagiging nasyonalismo at pagmamahal sa bayan. Nagawa na niya ang mga dapat niyang gawin para sa bayan at ginawa niya ang retraksyon para sa kaniyang sarili. Para sa kanyang buhay sa kabilang buhay.

Kahit sa huling hugto ng kanyang buhay ay ipinakita pa rin niya ang pagiging isang ehemplo kaya naman marimi ang sumunod sa kanya na gumawa ng sulat ng retraksyon sa mason.

Matalino si Rizal, alam niyang may Diyos, maaaring ito rin ang isa sa mga dahilan kung bakit panatag na ang kalooban niya simula ng gumising siya sa araw na yaon ng pagbitay sa kanya. Ito ay dahil sa inilagak na niya ang kanyang buhay kay Hesus at ganon din para sa bayan.


Ozaeta, R. (1949). The Pride of the Malay Race: A Biography of Jose Rizal. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc.- Heroic Efforts , Critical Examination of Rizal’s Alleged Retraction

Hernandez, Jose, E. A. De Ocampo & Z. C. Ella. (1950). Rizal Caravan. Manila: Kayumanggi Pub. – Rizal Abjured Mazonry

Locsin, T. (1978). The Heroic Confession: A Novel. Philippines: VERA-REYES, INC.

Zaide, G. F., Ph.D. (1961). Jose Rizal: Life, Works, and Writings. Manila: Villanueva Bookstore.

Cavanna, J. M., C.M. & C. da Silva. (1961). Most Contested and Ever Incontestable, The Story of Rizal’s Retraction and the latest Canards around it. Manila: Novel Publising Co., Inc.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

God is God

by Steven Curtis Chapman

And the pain falls like a curtain
On the things I once called certain
And I have to say the words I fear the most
I just don’t know

And the questions without answers
Come and paralyze the dancer
So I stand here on the stage afraid to move
Afraid to fall, oh, but fall I must
On this truth that my life has been formed from the dust

God is God and I am not
I can only see a part of the picture He’s painting
God is God and I am man
So I’ll never understand it all
For only God is God

And the sky begins to thunder
And I’m filled with awe and wonder
‘Til the only burning question that remains
Is who am I

Can I form a single mountain
Take the stars in hand and count them
Can I even take a breath without God giving it to me
He is first and last before all that has been
Beyond all that will pass

Oh, how great are the riches of His wisdom and knowledge
How unsearchable for to Him and through
Him and from Him are all things

So let us worship before the throne
Of the One who is worthy of worship alone

How Great Is Our God

The splendor of a King, clothed in majesty
Let all the earth rejoice
All the earth rejoice

He wraps himself in Light, and darkness tries to hide
And trembles at His voice
Trembles at His voice

How great is our God, sing with me
How great is our God, and all will see
How great, how great is our God

Age to age He stands
And time is in His hands
Beginning and the end
Beginning and the end

The Godhead Three in One
Father Spirit Son
The Lion and the Lamb
The Lion and the Lamb

Name above all names
Worthy of all praise
My heart will sing
How great is our God

How great is our God, sing with me
How great is our God, and all will see
How great, how great is our God

Sunday, October 01, 2006

All for love

Verse 1:
G A/C# D
All for love, a Father gave
G A/C# Bm
For only love could make a way
G A/C# Bm G A/C# D
All for love, the heavens cried for love was crucified

A/C# Bm
Oh, how many times have I broken Your heart
But still You forgive if only I ask
A/C# Bm
And how many times have You heard me pray
Draw near to me

A E/G# F#m
Everything I need is You
My beginning, my forever
A E/G# F#m D
Everything I need is You

Verse 2:
G A/C# D
Let me sing all for love
G A/C# D
I will join the angel song
G A/C# Bm
Ever holy is the Lord
G A/C# D
King of glory, King of all

F#m D F#m D

Verse 3:
D E/G# A
All for love a Savior prayed
D E/G# A
Abba Father, have Your way
D E/G# A
Though they know not what they do
D E/G# F#m9
Let the cross draw man to You, to You
To You, to You


Kakain-love si God sobra...


Kakatapos lang din ng anniv ng church... sarap ng feeling ng mag lay ng hands at magpray ng youth. I really miss it at ung pagseserve kay God through ministering. Sobrang in love ako kay God. Although I know that God will use me in politics. Pero syempre KKB pa rin ako.

Ang Noli Me Tangere sa Kasalukuyang Panahon

Hanggang sa kasalukuyang lipunang Pilipino ay masasalamin ang mga di kanais nais na lipunang Kastila. Katulad na lamang ng kabulukan ng sistema ng pulitika sa bansa na kabi-kabilang korupsyon. Katumbas ito ng mga pagkamkam ng lupa at iba pang di mabuting paggamit ng kapangyarihan ng mga prayle. Ngayon ay ginagawa naman ito ng mga pulitiko. Gayun din, ang impluwensya ng simbahan ay hindi pa rin natatanggal na kung uugatin ay babalik sa panahon ng mga Kastila. May kanser pa rin nga ang lipunan hanggang sa kasalukuyang panahon. Ibang klase nga lamang ito dahil ito ay komplikasyon nalang ng dating kanser noong panahon ng Kastila. Ito ay ang kanser ng kahirapan na komplikasyon ng kabi-kabilang korapsyon sa gobyerno at hindi mahusay na pamamahala.
Sa ngayon tayo ay napapasailalim pa rin sa impluwensya ng dayuhan, tinatawag nga itong neo-colonyalismo. Napapasailalim pa din tayo sa impluwensya ng mga Amerikano, wala nga lamang sila dito sa ating bansa. Hindi tayo direktang napapailalim ngunit pareho lang ng implikasyon.
Ang mga Basilio at Crispin ngayon sa ating panahon ay sinusbukang makipagsapalaran sa ibang bayan, ang ilan na nawalan na ng pag-asa ay tuluyan ng nanirahan sa sinasabi nilang mas saganang pastulan. Subalit mayroon pa din namang mga Basilio at Crispin ngayon na sa kabila ng kanser ng lipunan ng ngayong panahon ay patuloy na nagtitiwala dito at sa halip na umalis ng bayan ay mas piniling ilaan ang kanilag mga sarili sa pagsisislbi sa ating Inang Bayan.
Marami pa ring mga Dona Victorina sa ngayong panahon. Sila ang mahilig magtakip sa kanilang pagka-Pilipino dahil kulang nalang ay suka nila ang mga lokal na produkto dahil mahilig lamang sila sa gawa na mula sa ibang bansa. Kilala rin sila o tinatawag na “social climber”. Nagpapanggap na mayaman ngunit mahirap naman talaga. Hindi naman sila ganong kadominante sa kasalukuyng lipunan ngunit mayroon pa ring mangilan ngilan na nagbubuhat sa iba’t ibang antas at edad.
Sa isang positibong pananaw, mainam na kakaunti na lamang ang mga Maria Clara ngayon. Hindi tulad noon na ang mga kababaihan ay nakakahon sa paglalarawan na tahimik, mahinhin, at mabait; at sa gawain sa bahay na magsulsi, magluto at iba pang gawaing bahay na ang pinakamakabuluhan lamang ay ang magturo ng mga aral sa kanyng anak, sa ngayon unti unti ng nababalik ang mataas na pagtingin at mataas na gampanin sa lipunan. Unti-unti ng nagkakapantay ang tingin sa kababaihan at sa kalalakihan. Ang mga kayang gawin ng mga kalalakihan ay maari na ring gawin ng kababaihan. Ang karaniwang trabahong pangkababaihan na tulad ng nars at “care giver” ay pinapasok na din ng mga kalalakihan. At kung uugatin nga rin naman ag historya ng mga kababaihan sa Timog Silangang Asya ay sila ay may mataas na katayuan sa lipunan hindi tulad sa ibang bahagi ng Asya.
Ang Noli Me Tangere ay napapaalala sa atin ng paghihirap ng ating mga ninuno sa panahon ng pagkakaalipin sa mga dayuhan. Ito rin ay kwento ng isang ilustrado na sinubukang sinubukang baguhin ang sistema ng gobyerno ngunit hindi nagtagumpay.
Sa huling kabanata ng Noli Me Tangere ay namatay si Elias ng hindi nagbubukang liwayway, ibigsabihin ng hindi pa lumalaya ang bayan at nasa kadiliman pa. Sa mga mapalad, huwag lamang daw limutin nang ganap ang mga nasawi sa dilim ng gabi. Eto ang huling bilin ni Elias bago siya mamatay na huwag kakalimutan ang mga ninunong mga Pilipino, mga bayani na nagbuwis ng buhay upang makamtan natin ang liwanag na mayroon tayo ngayon. Nakakaiyak din at makabagbag damdamin ang huling bahagi ng Noli Me Tangere. Pahalagahan ang kalayaan at ang mga tao sa kabila nito. Mapalad tayo at hindi na natin naranasan ang dilim.

Movie Review: Bayaning Third World

Ang penikulang “Bayaning Third World” sa direksyon ni Mike De Leon ay isang pelikula na nagpapakita ng pagiging kritikal at hindi basta basta pagtanggap ng mga bagay na nakasanayan. Bukod sa ang Pilipinas ay kabilang sa Third World, o dun sa mga bansang nasakop ng mga kanluranin noong panahon ng merkantilismo at ngayon ay napag-iiwanan ng mga kabilang sa First World, ang ibig sabihin din ng penikulang ito, si Rizal bilang Third World ay marupok. Ito ay ipinakita ng mabasag ang figurine na nasa imahe ni Rizal.
Hindi ordinaryo ang pelikulang ito. Dito ipinakita ang mga kahinaan ni Rizal at na wala siyang ipinagka-iba sa mga iba pang bayani. Hindi ito tulad ng mga ibang penikula ni Rizal na puro papuri at puro mga magagandang bagay ang ipinapakita. Dito rin kinuwestiyon ang relasyon ni Josephine Bracken at Rizal. Sinasabing napakamalas ni Josephine Bracken na nagging ka-relasyon niya si Rizal dahil naman kasi sa kung sino ang mga taong nakakahalubilo ni Rizala ay nasasama sa historya at ganun din kay Josephine Bracken na naugat pa ang kanyang pagkatao. Pati ang relasyon nila ay kinuwestiyon at pinaghihinalaan siyang espiya lamang ng mga prayle kay Rizal. Masakit ito para kay Rizal. Ano man ang katotohanan si Jopsephine Bracken lang ang may alam. Katotohanan? Sinasabi nga rin palang sinungaling daw itong si Josephine Bracken dahil sa hindi magkaktugma ang mga pahayag nitong si Josephine Bracken. Tulad na lamang ng pagsabi niya na ikinasal sila nguinit wala naman siyang mailabas na dokumento. Wala talaga siyang habol sa mga naiwan ni Rizal dahil hindi talaga sila kasal at nagsama lamang ang dalawa. Ipinapakita sa ibang pelikula na ikinasal nila ang kanilang sarili sa ilalim lamang ng puno dahil na rin ayaw silang ikasal ng simbahan dahil si Rizal ay isang Filibustero.
Sa pamamagitan ng pagsasadula ng pagpunta nila Ricky Davao at Cris Villanueva sa kapanahunan ng pagkabuhay ni Rizal, naipakita ng malinaw ang mga saloobin ng mga tauhan at ang gusting ipakita ng director.
May mga katatawanan din na tulad ng paggamit ng mga patalastas. Sinasabi kasing si Rizal ay ipinangalan na sa lahat ng mga pwedeng ipangalan. Nakakatawa lang ang paggawa ng patalastas na deodorant.
Nagpakita din sila ng mga alternatibong pangyayari bago ang pagkamatay ni Rizal sa mga nakakatawang eksena.
Naging maganda ang kabuuan ng pelikula. Naging malaman ito at edukasyonal pa rin ang dating nito.
Naniniwala ako na hindi maganda na puro na lamang mga magagandang bagay ang naririnig at nalalaman kay Rizal dahil ito ang nagdudulot sa ilang mga Pilipino na sambahin siya at gawing santo. Mainam na balanse ang mga bagay na nalalaman natin tungkol sa buhay ng isang pambansang bayani dahil kahit na siya ang pambansang bayani ay simpleng tao pa rin siya. At kapag nalaman at naiintindihan natin na simpleng tao rin siya, maiisip natin na kaya rin nating gawin ang mga nagawa niya at na hindi siya mahirap abutin.

Friday, September 22, 2006

God of Wonders

God of Wonders by Chris Tomlin

Lord of all creation
Of water, earth, and sky
The heavens are Your tabernacle
Glory to the Lord on High

God of wonders, beyond out galaxy
You are holy, holy
The universe declares Your majesty
You are holy, holy

Lord of heaven and earth (2X)

Early in the morning
I will celebrate the light
And as I stumble through the darkness
I will call Your name by night

God of wonders, beyond out galaxy
You are holy, holy
The universe declares Your majesty
You are holy, holy

Lord of heaven and earth (2X)

Hallelujah to the Lord of heaven and earth (3X)

God of wonders, beyond out galaxy
You are holy, holy
Precious Lord, reveal Your heart to me
Father holy, holy
The universe declares Your majesty
You are holy, holy, holy, holy

Hallelujah to the Lord of heaven and earth (6X)

Lord of heaven and earth (2X)

Early in the morning
I will celebreate the light
and as I stumble through the darkness
I will call your name by night

God of wonders beyond our galaxy
You are holy, holy
The universe declares your majesty
You are holy, holy

Lord of heaven and earth (2X)

halleluiah to the Lord of heaven and earth (2X)

God of wonders beyond our galaxy
You are holy, holy
Precious Lord reveal your heart to me
Father holy, holy

the universe declares your majesty
you are holy, holy, holy, holy

halleluiah to the Lord of heaven and earth (6X)

My favorite song as of the moment. truly that the beauty of the nature and the wonders of the universe shows of how great and majestic our God is.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Culture Study of Bulacan submitted in my History 114 (Culture History of the Philippines)

“Our national culture is not what we have in the beginning, it is what we have today”, says Fr. Horacio de la Costa as Nick Joaquin cited in his book Culture and History. As it was also mentioned in his book the saying: “You cannot step into the same river twice” because it keeps on moving and flourishing and if you step again it would be different water by then. Like what Democritus also said, “The only constant thing in this world is change”.

Similar with our culture, it is also changing from time to time. Our culture in the pre-Hispanic time is like what Nick Joaquin said which is similar to those of the Polynesians and not Asians. It terms of religion we are animist because we worship the nature. “The patadyong, our head cloth, our squatting position, our tattooing, our folktales, and our style in talking” was also from the Polynesians that we adopt. In addition to that, an internet source said that the Filipino dialects belong to the so-called Malayo-Polynesian language family, which is said to be the largest language family throughout the world. Our culture before and now is extremely different. With the coming of the Spaniards which brought not just evil but also a great part of our identity, and so the Americans, the Japanese and with the recent globalization, we are really exposed to changes. We should not expect that our culture would still be the same like in the pre-Hispanic era. For, I agree with Nick Joaquin that only a retarded has a fixed identity.

With these changes in our culture, let me quote him again, “Culture like those laboratory experiments in chemistry where the moment you add a new ingredient the original mixture becomes completely transformed into something different.”
With this simple study of my province’s culture and history, let me show how it is changed form the pre-Hispanic time up to the present.

Culture trait (implicit)
It is believed that flowers bloomed in the region when the Spaniards came. Because of these sprawling green orchards, vegetables and abundantly flowering plants, as well as gorgeous women, this lovely land had come to be called Bulacan as sort of shortened term for "bulak-lakan" and/or a derivative of the word "bulak" (kapok) which abound in the province even before the Spaniards came.

Culture Trait (explicit)
The western part of the province is generally flat and is drained by the Angat and Pampanga Rivers. Part of this area touches the extensive Candaba swamp along the boundary with Pampanga. The lower portion ends in the limited coastline along Manila Bay.
The eastern half rises towards the foothills of the Sierra Madre, where the province’s highest peak, mount Oriol at 1170 meters located.
Like the rest of Central Luzon, Bulacan’s climate consists of two pronounced seasons which dry from November to April and wet for the rest of the year.

1. Pre-Spanish Period
Sequence occupant
Bulacan started with small fishing settlements along the coast of Manila Bay and expanded into the interior with the coming of the Spaniards. I’ve learned in my past subjects that the considered highways before are the rivers. Their source of transportation is through the boat and their source of income is through fishing. Houses are also within the river banks.
Cultural Diffusion:
It was once a home of the Chinese who intermingled freely with the natives and brought their trade and industry to the province. It was the Chinese that brought the concept and materials of pyrotechnics which is much known in Bocaue, Bulacan until now. Chinese influences on Filipino life were mainly economic. At the same time, cultural influences were inevitable. Many words in the Philippine language have Chinese origins. The Chinese also taught the ancient Filipinos the use of gongs, umbrellas, lead, and porcelain, as well as the manufacture of gun powder, and metallurgy and mining methods. Filipinos also adopted customs from the Chinese.
Culture Complex
a. Religion - Bathala was the supreme god. They attributed to Bathala the creation of the heavens, Earth, and man. There were lesser gods and goddesses, like a god of death, a god of agriculture, a goddess of harvest, sea gods, river gods, and the like. It was also believed that things found in nature were full of spirits more powerful than man. Spirits of dead relatives were also revered. Sacrifices were offered to all of them.
The ancient Filipinos believed in the immortality of the soul and in life after death. Disease or illness was attributed to the whims of the environmental spirits and the soul-spirits of the dead relatives.
b. Institution – The Filipinos lived in settlements called barangays before the colonization of the Philippines by the Spaniards. As the unit of government, a barangay consisted from 30 to 100 families. It was headed by a datu and was independent from the other groups. The Tagalog word barangay came from the Malay word balangay, a boat used for transportation and for fishing.
c. Technology – boat making and fishing

Culture Region
a. Core – coast of Manila Bay
b. Concentric - the rivers within Bulacan
c. Far flung – the land areas or the plains

2. Spanish Period
Sequence occupant
Later on, these settlers on the coast became farmers after moving inwards as they discovered that the land in the interior part was fertile and very much drained by the network of rivers and streams. These settlers grew and flourished into large and prosperous settlement now known as the province of Bulacan.

During the Spanish time, San Miguel was annexed to Bulacan from Pampanga. Geographically, it could be passed by from Bulacan to Nueva Ecija.
Being close to the city of Manila, it became an important source of foodstuffs and materials needed by the Spanish colony.
17th – 18th century – the friars acquired large estates in the province that were the source of rice, fruits, livestock and vegetables that came to Manila.
The early linkages with Manila fostered prosperity in the province and the rise of educated and cultured elite called the illustrado and the blossoming of tagalong culture and arts.
Large friar estates – their existence in Bulacan spurred the development of propaganda movement that was particularly active in the province. Among the leaders that came from Bulacan were Marcelo H. Del Pilar, Pio Valenzuela, and Mariano Ponce.
In 1897, General Emilio Aguinaldo established the headquarters of the revolution in the foothills of Sierra Madre in Biak na Bato, San Miguel.

Culture Complex
a. Religion – Christianity
Acculturation: When the Spanish came, from Pagans or Animist they were transformed into Christians.

b. Institution – under the Spanish rule, friars also rule in local areas.

c. Technology – they started to tilt the land through agriculture as a source of income.
Culture Region
It the early years of the Spaniards, it was placed in the direct jurisdiction of Manila but in 1578, it was made a separate province.
Functional: nationalism and patriotism hold them together to revolt against the Spaniards.
Bulacan was one of the first eight provinces to rise against the Spaniards rule.

Core: 1st - San Miguel
2nd – Malolos – in 1898 Malolos became the capital of the First Philippine Republic.
Concentric: Manila and other towns in Bulacan
Far flung: near by provinces like for example Tarlac, Bataan

Culture System – consists of history, philosophy, environmental adaptations
Pact of Biak na Bato in San Miguel, Bulacan – the first phase of the Philippine revolution ended with this signing within the Spaniards and Filipinos.
Malolos Cathedral – It served as the presidential quarter of General Emilio Aguinaldo.
Kakarong de Sili Shrine in Pandi - A battle site where 3,000 Katipuneros died in the hands of Spanish soldiers.
San Rafael Church -Site of the bloody battle between Filipinos and Spanish forces wherein the blood that cherished the church was ankle-deep.
Malolos Congress at Barosoain Church in Malolos Bulacan – the second phase which is the drafting of the constitution in the Barosoain Church.
- it is also the capital of the first Philippine Republic.

3. American Period
Culture Complex
a. Religion – Roman Catholic and Protestantism
b. Institution – under the rule of the Americans but Filipinos rule in the local areas
c. Technology – their source of income is agriculture and domestication of animals.

Culture Region
Core: Malolos and Baliuag
Concentric: Manila
Far flung: other provinces like Cavite, Zambales, Pampanga
When the Americans established a civil government in the Philippines, they held the first election in the country in the town of Baliuag, Bulacan.

Culture System - historical
Bagbag Bridge in Calumpit, Bulacan
Site of the longest battle between the Americans and Filipinos led by Gen. Gregorio del Pilar which took place in April 25, 1899. Nowadays, the bridge still stands and serves as a reminder of the valor displayed by the Filipinos who are victorious against the American forces.

4. Modern Period
Sequence occupant: In the later years, when the country has gained its real independence until these years a lot of people from different parts of the country tends to transfer in Bulacan.
Proxemics: Because Bulacan is located in the north of Metro Manila wherein a lot of people work in, they tend to settle in Bulacan which is less polluted. As a result, Bulacan is increasing its population. According to a survey in year 2000, there are a total of 2,234,088 Bulakenos, making Bulacan the fourth most populous province in the country. Like what Nick Joaquin said before going to Manila was as if an expedition because of the complexity in terms of transportation but now it is just an ordinary matter. Nowadays, Bocaue, Bulacan where I lived, is just one hour away from Manila. You can also choose from different ways to get to Manila. From Bocaue, you can ride a jeep to Monumento via McArthur Hiway and then the LRT. Another option is through the North Luzon Expresssway.
Culture Trait
People of Bulacan also speak what they consider as the pure Tagalog. Tagalog was from the word “taga-ilog” which Bulakenos were before the Spaniards came until now.
Since that Bulacan is one of the places where the pure Tagalog is being spoken. From here sprung the poet Francisco Balagtas. The province is famous on his 19th century immortal work, the romance in metered quatrains called “Florante at Laura”. The Bulakenos continue this metrical tradition by holding “balagtasan” contest every fiesta and are judge according on the adept of their figures of speech and arguing a topic.
Folk culture – cultural diffusion. It was from the Spanish that we adopted the concept of luxurious festivals. It was mentioned in the novel of Dr. Jose Rizal and was carried throughout the generations.
These are their way of life. It is consistent despite the modernization. These are celebrated once in a year. Some of these are their festivals.
Sto. Nino Festival
In Malolos every last Sunday of January
The biggest expression of devotion to the Holy Child Jesus in the Luzon island.
Lenten Procession
In Baliuag every Holy Wednesday and Good Friday
A lavish display of religious fervor that only the people of Baliuag can manifest in a hundred richly adorned giant carozas depicting the passion and death of Jesus Christ.
Pagoda sa Wawa
In Bocaue every first Sunday of July
A fluvial parade in Bocaue in honor of the miraculous "Krus sa Wawa," a dramatic tradition inspired by centuries-old tales.
Fertility Dance
In Obando every May 17-19
Dance your way to finding a lover or bearing a child on the feast days of San Pascual Baylon, Sta. Clara de Asis, and Virgen de Salambao.
Horse Festival
In Plaridel every December 29-30
Herd of horses with colorful tilburies are seen parading in the streets of Plaridel in reverence to St. James the Apostle.
Singkaban Festival
In Malolos; September 8-10
A festival of arts and culture in honor of the capitol's patron, Our Lady of Victory, showcasing the traditional arts of the "Balagtasan," folk dances, and the "Kundiman" amidst the display of Singkaban arches

Culture Complex
a. Religion – Roman Catholic, Protestant, Born Again
b. Institution – Governor Josefina M. dela Cruz was the present governor in the Province.
c. Technology – the province is veering away from being an agricultural area to an industrialized one.
The craft industries are strongly established in the province. Jewelry making, textile weaving, embroidery, pottery, and inlaid furniture manufacture are still practice in the most towns.

Cultural diffusion: It was from the Spanish that we adopted the preparation of foods such as suman, puto, kutsinta, marzipan and pastilles de leche. It has been a source of income in Bulacan especially in the northern part of Bulacan like San Miguel wherein it is also known for its sweet delicacies.

Proxemics: its proximity to Manila gives it the advantage as a favored site of industrial establishments including leather tanning, cement bag making, ceramics, textiles, food processing, etc.

However, majority of the rural areas are still dependent on agriculture for their livelihood.
More to that, the existence of SM Marilao, helped the people because instead of going to Manila for shopping they just settle in Bulacan with lesser time to travel and more convient.

Culture Region
: Manila
Concentric: Malolos and other towns
Far flung: Pampanga and Nueva Ecija.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Reaction paper on Poverty Reduction

“…Development means increasing the capacity of people to influence their future. It thus involves being, as well as doing. It means that projects and programs not only need to accomplish physical and concrete changes, but need to do so in such a way that people have a greater capacity to choose and respond to these changes…,” as Coralie Bryant and Louise White define the word “development” in the book Managing Development in the Third World. This is the definition that I see related to the articles. Development is empowerment of the people not just through economic development wherein resources should be monitored if it had reached the disenfranchised, but also through social development so that they have the capacity to choose, and plan for them. Through involvement in the community, this will help boast their self-esteem and self worth because they will think that although they are poor, they could still help. They would have a sense of purpose. And lastly is the good quality of governance, transparent wherein the poor are allowed to interact with society and their voice are being heard. This empowerment will affect their future.
In a world where the rich continues to gain more wealth and the disfranchised, deprived of the rights and needs, continues to suffer as a victim of unequal distribution of wealth and power, it is nice to know that certain agencies are concerned in the reduction of poverty in the world. According to the article Fighting Poverty in Asia and the Pacific, almost 900 million are poor in the whole world and most of them are from Asia and the Pacific.
But, first of all, how do we say that a person is poor? How is poverty measured?
Before, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) studies on poverty relied on the income level, wherein those who endure on less than $1 a day suffer from extreme poverty but now they had redefined the meaning of poverty to generate a greater intervention in the lives of the disenfranchised. Now, poverty is measured in terms of the degree of access to the basic needs given like education, health care, nutrition, water and sanitation as well as employment and wages. It also implies that with the new definition, poverty is also measured on the deprivation from opportunities that a person is entitled.
As I see the development planning on the poverty reduction strategy, I noticed that ADB used the critical planning theory According to this theory, first, “the planners redefine the problem” (Benveniste, 1989) by reconstructing and broadening the definition of poverty. The revised definition helped to identify the needs and clears the aspect on which the poor are deprived of. If income level would only be the basis maybe economic growth would only be given and focused which is not enough. But with the revised definition, in the three pillars – aside from sustainable economic growth; social development and macroeconomic management and good governance were focused as well. Under economic growth, I learned that higher female employment decreases the population growth rate because they have now divided attentions and are now focused on their career. They see pregnancy as a barrier to their work. So, like in the developed countries, the more the educated the women, the more focused on the career and employment, the lesser in population growth rate, the lesser children to feed, the more convenient. I agree with what ADB concluded, “growth can reduce poverty by generating employment and incomes and labor intensive growth can reduce it even faster. Moreover, in terms of economic development, ADB also used neo-classical theory.
Rostow’s Modernization theory says, “The first outcome of a pure or even modified neo-classical position is that there should be as little state intervention in the economy as possible.”(Benveniste, 1989). ADB subjects that the function of private sector be increased and the government should shift from owner to regulator. It does imply that the government should lessen its intervention. Secondly, “in an ideal neo-classical world, intervention should only occur in order to remove price distortions.” (Benveniste, 1989) ADB says that however, government should still monitor the social impacts of privatization to see and to check that the programs are properly implemented. There is still a little intervention by only in the assessment stage wherein it monitors if these private sector has helped the poor, if the services have reached the disenfranchised. Lastly, “in terms of international trade, neo-classicist advocate Free Trade in line with comparative advantage.” (Benveniste, 1989) ADB explained that effective regulatory framework is important to promote competition but the services are should be monitored if they are fully delivered to the poor.
Another aspect that I see in the economic aspect is the growth in regional and sub regional cooperation which President Gloria Arroyo focused in her recently State of the Nation Address (SONA 2006).
Second, I say that ADB used the critical planning theory because it is concerned with the “distribution of power in society and the extent to which planning reflects this distribution of power” (Benveniste, 1989). The other part of the twin pillars of pro-poor is social development. I agree that human capital should be developed because the poor has no asset but their selves alone. They should be empowered. It has to be developed through education. These people should be motivated to study and improve their selves’ continuously. This has been the focus of developed countries like Korea. I’ve learned from the book The Rise of Korean Economy by Byung-Nak Song about the Confucian ethic which stresses continues self improvement through formal and informal education, training, discipline, and research and development. I had proven that this has been one of the values or norms of the Koreans when I had a Korean tutee who was already 29 years old but still wants a tutor. He was already 4 years here in the Philippines and I could say that he speaks English well but the only problem is the accent. According to him, he wants to improve his self so his salary would increase. Like him, Koreans have this mentality that’s why by improving the human and social capital, the country also improves. Social capital development is also needed through increasing their opportunities and participation in the community or society works so that power is also distributed to the poor. But this should be done in incremental steps. I consider the view on the poor on the advocacy planning theory, wherein they are incapable of planning for themselves (Benveniste, 1989) that’s why they should be oriented and also empowered. They should not be oppressed or intimidated. ADB suggests that antidiscrimination legislation, land reform, security of property, tenure rights, and accessible justice system. In Gender and Development, improving the status of women is important. Like what I’ve learned in the NGO in Sorsogon where I held my practicum, there should be Gender Awareness Program wherein the women are informed of their rights. This will lessen cases of abuses and battered wives. It is also a fact that women who have jobs have voice in the family compared to those without who are more prone to abuses. Poverty is also one of the reasons why husbands had short tempers and they can easily hit their wives and children because of certain problems like financial issues. Therefore, poor women should also be given job opportunities.
Lastly, in critical planning theory the planner works as “political actors in close partnership with those political and economic organizations that represent the interest of the disfranchised” (Benveniste, 1989), ADB says that good quality of governance is crucial to the poverty reduction. There should also be equitable distribution of resources and monitoring and assessments if the services are delivered to the poor. When it comes to project implemented there should be evaluation and follow up. It should be a cycle – construction of policy, program or project – implementation – assessment and evaluation. The cycle goes on. If a policy doesn’t work, reconstruct, implement and then evaluate again.
A triumph in poverty reduction depends on the country’s administration and policy implementation. Laws and policies implemented in the national level should be implemented more strictly in the local level. Private sectors and NGO’s that are interested in the poverty reduction are also a great help. United efforts of countries to reduce poverty would never be in vain.
Some of these things, I had learned from my Development Studies 151, Policy Formulation and Project Development.

Other sources:
Benvenister, Guy (1989). Mastering the Politics of Planning: Crafting Credible Plans and Policies That Make a Difference. San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons pp.56-86
Coralie Bryant and Louise White(1982). Managing Development in the Third World. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press.p15
Holmes, Ronald(1995). Development and Underdevelopment. Manila:De La Salle University Press. Pp19-27
Song, Byung-Nak(2003). The Rise of the Korean Economy. Oxford University Press.

Jose Rizal - The movie

Mahusay na naganapan ni Cesar Montano ang papel na isang pagbansang bayani. Mahusay siyang magsalita ng Espanyol at iba pang wika na alam kong lubos nyang pinag-aralan para sa pelikulang ito. Mahusay din si Marilou Diaz_Abaya sa pag-director nitong pelikula. Isang pelikulang maipagmamalaki ng mga Pilipino sa buong mundo at hindi nga ba’t tumangap ang pelikulang ito ng mapakaraming premyo.
Ipinakita ng pelikula ang buhay ni Rizal, mga gawa niya at kung paano nakaapekto at nakaimplwensya nag mga ito upang lalong mag-igting ang rebolusyon.
“Itinaas ko ang tabing ng kurtina upang itambad ang nasa likod ng mapanlinglang na luning-ning na salita ng pamahalaan….Inilahad ko ang kawawang kalagayan ng aking bayan – ang aming karaingan at kalungkutan.”
Ito ang isa sa mga paborito kong winika/sinulat ni Rizal sa bandang unahan ng pelikula. Ito mismo ang kabuuan ng kanyang mga naisulat at nagawa para sa Pilipinas. Bilang isang optalmologo, doktor na gumagamot ng mga bulag upang makakita, ito rin ang naging papel nya sa bansa. Binuksan niya ang mga mata na nabubulagan sa mga pang-aapi ng España.
Ipinakita sa pelikula kung gaanong mapagmahal na anak at kapatid si Pepe. Nung bata palang siya ay hindi na siya pumapayag na tinutukso ng masama ang kanyang magulang. Nagalit siya ng tinukso siya na di pinapakain ng nanay at unano ang kanyang tatay. Isa din sa mga lubhang ikinagalit ni Rizal ay ng ipinatapon ni Pdre Damaso ang bangkay ng ama sa ilog. “Sinong anak ang hindi magagalit?” Ang sanabi nyang ito ay masyadong umigting sa puso ko. Tama si Rizal. Masakit para sa isang anak, lalo na sa isang mapagmahal na anak ang ginawa nila. Bilang kapatid, maganda ang naging relasyon ni Rizal sa mga kapatid nya lalo na kay kuya Paciano niya. Si Paciano ang nagpakita sa kanya ng pagiging makabayan, ipinakita ang pagkaapi ng bayan at siya ding mag-udyok sa kanya na pumunta ng España upang mag-aral. “Patuloy mong ilantad sa buong mundo ang ating hinaing,” ika ni Paciano. Nakakaiyak ang huling pagkakaharap ni Rizal at ng kanyang ina na hindi man lamang niya nayakap ng mahigpit at ng matagal.
Ipinakita din sa pelikula kung paanong naging mangingibig si Rizal. Ito yata ang naging kahinaan ni Rizal sa buhay niya. Pero kahit na maliit lamang itong si Rizal ay marami talagang babae ang nahahalina sa kanya. Makata din siya sa kanyang mga iniibig. Tulad nlng ng eksena nila ni Leonor Rivera. Hindi ko lang masyadong nagustuhan na naging liberal ni Rizal sa pag-ibig sa pelikula. Masyadong malapit ang pagitan ni Rizal at Leonor. Hindi napakita ang pagiging dalagang Pilipina ni Leonor at hindi ba dapat ay conserbatibo pa noong mga panahong iyon.
Madali ding maging kaibigan si Rizal, tulad nalang ng makagaanan siya ng loob ng nagbabantay sa kulungan. Maaalahanin din siya at mapangaral. Gusto ko din ng maging magkaibigan si Rizal at si Luis Taviel de Andrade. Nagalit si Taviel ng matalo ang kanilang kaso. Di umanoy mas galit pa siya kaysa kay Rizal, ikinahihiya nya daw ang mga Kastila. Nagustuhan ko kung paanong magaling na nagampanan ni Jaime Fabregas ang papel ni Taviel. Seryoso ang motibo niya na maipagtanggol ang kaso ni Rizal. Nakakaiyak din ang huling pagkakamay ni Taviel at Rizal na nagpapakita na naging tunay na magkaibigan ang dalawa. Hindi rin iniwanan ni Taviel si Rizal hanggang sa huli.
Ipinakita din sa penikula ang pananaw ni Rizal sa humanidad. Sinabi niyang kailangan mo munang irespeto ang iyong sarili upang irespeto ka ng iba. Nahahawig ito sa isinulat niya sa Mga Kababaihan ng Malolos na, “Ang iniaalipusta ng isa ay nasa kakulangan ng pagmamahal sa sarili at nasa kalabisan ng pagkasilaw sa umaalipusta.” Tinuruan niya ang mga Pilipino na wag pumayag ng basta basta na lamang na inaapi.
Nang nililitis na sya, kahit na alam ko na ang mangyayari ay nais ko parin na mapawalang sala siya. Si Rizal ay dumaan sa hindi makatarungang hukom at masyadong minadali ang kaso. Bago siya patayin, iniisip ko na baka naman maaari pa ding ibahin ang desisyon ng korte. Ayaw ko siyang mamatay tulad na lamang ng ayaw din nating mamatay ang bida sa mga iba pang pelikulang pinapanood natin. Ngunit tapos na ang historya.
Tulad ng mga Rizalista sa Banahaw, napansin ko na may pagkakahawig ang pagkamatay ni Rizal kay Jesus. Pareho silang dumaan sa di makatarungang hukom ng sila ay nililitis at pareho silang pinatay sa harap ng maraming tao. Bago mamatay si Jesus, sinabi niyang “Tetelestie” an ibig sabihin ay naganap na. Si Rizal din naman ay nagsabi ng “it is done”. Parehong may misyong natapos na. Pero, dun lang…hindi pa rin syempre napantayan ni Rizal ang mga nagawa ni Jesus.
Naging isang inspirasyon si Rizal sa mga Pilipinong lumaban pa lalo para sa kapayapaan at kalayaan. Noong nabubuhay pa lamang siya ay ginagamit na ang pangalan niya sa katipunan bilang password at ang larawan niya ay nakasabit sa ding-ding ng kanilang pinagtitipunan. Kasama rin sa isinisigaw nila ang “Mabuhay si Dr.Jose Rizal.” Tumimo din sakin ang sinabi ng gobernadorcillo ng kinukumpiska ang libro na isinulat ni Rizal. Sinabi niya, “Makukumpiska at masususnog ang lahat ng aklat na iyan subalit ang katotohanang sinasabi ng aklat na iyan ang nagpamulat sa puso at isip ng lahat ng nakabasa nyan. Hindi nyo mananakaw kahit kailan.” Eto rin ang naging epekto ng mga naisulat ni Rizal sa mga Pilipino noon. Tunay nga na nabuksan ang kanilang mga isipan at ang pagkamatay ni Rizal ang mas nagpaalab ng himagsikan, ang nag-udyok sa rebolusyon na lalong mag-igting.
Tunay nga na si Rizal ay maipagmamalaki ng mga Pilipino sa iba pang mga bansa. Wala pa ring Pilipinong nakapapantay sa kanya.